Organ Biography > Places and Organs > Germany > Krumols > Catholic Church
Details of Catholic Church, Krumols, Germany
Manuals | Stops | Ranks | Couplers | Action |
2 | 22 | 22 | 4 | T |
I. Hauptwerk |
1. | Bourdon | 16' | metal treble, wood bass. |
2. | Principal | 8' | English tin, polished. |
3. | Gemshorn | 8' | 14 loth. English tin. |
4. | Hohlflote | 8' | upper octave in 10 loth. metal, the remainder in wood. |
5. | Octave | 4' | 12 loth. English tin. |
6. | Gemshorn | 4' | 12 loth. English tin. |
7. | Quint | 2 2/3' | 12 loth. English tin. |
8. | Super-octave | 2' | 12 loth, English tin. |
9. | Progressio | III-V (2') | 12 loth. English tin. |
10. | Trompette | 8' | |
i | Oberwerk to Hauptwerk | | |
ii | II/I | | |
II. Oberwerk |
11. | Viola di Gamba | 8' | 15 loth. English tin. |
12. | Flaut Douce | 8' | 10 loth. metal to tenor c, last octave wood. |
13. | Principal | 4' | 14 loth. English tin, in front. |
14. | Flaut d’amour | 4' | 10 loth. metal. |
15. | Quinta dulcis | 2 2/3' | |
16. | Flautino | 2' | 12 loth. English tin. |
17. | Flauto Piccolo | 1' | 12 loth. English tin. |
18. | Cornetti | III | 12 loth. English tin. |
Pedal |
19. | Principal | 16' | wood. |
20. | Sub-bass | 16' | wood. |
21. | Octave | 8' | 12 loth tin. |
22. | Posaune | 16' | |
iii | Hauptwerk to Pedal | | |
iv | I/P | | |