Organ Biography > Places and Organs > England > London > City of London > St. Paul’s Cathedral
Details of St. Paul’s Cathedral, City of London, London, England
St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, England
Manuals | Stops | Ranks | Couplers | Action |
2 | 20 | 26 | - | - |
Great |
1. | Diapason (front) (tenor) | | |
2. | Diapason (front) (bass) | | |
3. | Diapason (back) | | |
4. | Stop Diapason | | |
5. | Nason (tenor) | | |
6. | Hol Fleut (bass) | | |
7. | Principall (tenor) | | |
8. | Principall (bass) | | |
9. | Great Twelfth | | |
10. | Fifteenth (tenor) | | |
11. | Fifteenth (bass) | | |
12. | Small Twelfth | | |
13. | Cornet (tenor) | | |
14. | Cornet (bass) | | |
15. | Sesquialtera | | |
16. | Trumpet (tenor) | | |
17. | Trumpet (bass) | | |
Chayre |
18. | Quinta Dena Diapason | | |
19. | Stop Diapason | | |
20. | Principall | | |
21. | Hol Fleut | | |
22. | Great Twelfth | | |
23. | Fifteenth | | |
24. | Cimball | | |
25. | Voice Humane | | |
26. | Crum Horne | | |
Organ History |
1853 | Built by Hill & Son |
1856 | Moved from Royal Panopticon of Science and Art, Leicester Square, Westminster, London, England |
1873 | Moved to Victoria Rooms, Queen’s Road, Clifton, Bristol, England by Bryceson Brothers |
Status |
Rebuilt |
Sources |
“Dictionary of Organs and Organists” - George Mate & Son, 1921 |
The Musical Times 362 |
Hopkins & Rimbault - “The Organ: Its History and Construction - A Comprehensive Treatise on the Structure and Capabilities of the Organ” - Robert Cocks & Co., 1877, London |
Manuals | Stops | Ranks | Couplers | Action |
4 | 63 | 62 | 5 | T/TP |
I. Choir |
1. | Bourdon | 16' | wood. |
2. | Gamba | 8' | metal. |
3. | Open Diapason | 8' | |
4. | Stopped Diapason | 8' | metal and wood. |
5. | Octave | 4' | metal. |
6. | Stopped Flute | 4' | metal. |
7. | Octave Quint | 2 2/3' | metal. |
8. | Super-octave | 2' | metal. |
9. | Sesquialtera | II | metal. |
10. | Flageolet | 2' | |
11. | Bassoon Bass | | wood. |
12. | Clarionet Treble | 8' | wood. |
13. | Trumpet | 8' | metal. |
II. Great |
14. | Double Open Diapason | 16' | metal and wood. |
15. | Open Diapason | 8' | metal. |
16. | Open Diapason, No. 2 | 8' | metal. |
17. | Stopped Diapason | 8' | wood. |
18. | Salicional | 8' | |
19. | Octave | 4' | metal. |
20. | Wald Flute | 4' | wood. |
21. | Octave Quint | 2 2/3' | metal. |
22. | Super-octave | 2' | metal. |
23. | Sesquialtera | III | metal. |
24. | Mixture | III | metal. |
25. | Furniture | III | metal. |
26. | Trumpet | 16' | metal. |
27. | Posaune | 8' | metal. |
28. | Trumpet | 8' | metal. |
29. | Clarion | 4' | metal. |
i | Swell to Great | | |
ii | Choir to Great | | |
III. Swell |
30. | Bourdon | 16' | |
31. | Open Diapason | 8' | metal. |
32. | Salicional | 8' | metal. |
33. | Stopped Diapason | 8' | wood. |
34. | Octave | 4' | metal. |
35. | Suabe Flute | 4' | wood. |
36. | Octave Quint | 2 2/3' | metal. |
37. | Super-octave | 2' | metal. |
38. | Sesquialtera | V | metal. |
39. | Cornopean | 8' | metal. |
40. | Trumpet | 8' | metal. |
41. | Hautboy | 8' | metal. |
42. | Clarion | 4' | metal. |
IV. Solo |
43. | 1. Grand Tuba Mirabilis | 8' | metal. |
44. | 2. Do. Clarion | 4' | metal. |
45. | Piccolo | 2' | |
46. | Doublette | II (2') | metal. |
47. | Vox Angelica | II (8') | metal. |
48. | Claribel | 8' | wood. |
49. | Harmonic Flute | 4' | metal. |
50. | Krum Horn | 8' | metal. |
51. | Vox Humana | 8' | metal. |
Pedal |
52. | Double Open Diapason | 32' | wood. |
53. | Open Diapason | 16' | wood. |
54. | Open Diapason | 16' | metal. |
55. | Bourdon | 16' | wood. |
56. | Octave | 8' | metal. |
57. | Octave Quint | 5 1/3' | |
58. | Super-octave | 4' | metal. |
59. | Sesquialtera | V (2 2/3') | metal. |
60. | Trombone | 16' | metal. |
61. | Octave Trombone | 8' | metal. |
62. | Drums | | (CC—C) |
iii | Pedal to Choir | | |
iv | Pedal to Swell | | |
v | Pedal to Solo | | |
63. | Pedal to Great | | |
Manuals | Stops | Ranks | Couplers | Action |
4 | 52 | 52 | 9 | P/TP |
I. Choir (Pneumatic CC-A 58) |
1. | Bourdon | 16' | |
2. | Open Diapason | 8' | |
3. | Dulciana | 8' | |
4. | Violoncello | 8' | |
5. | Claribel Flute | 8' | |
6. | Lieblich Gedact | 8' | |
7. | Flute harmonique | 4' | |
8. | Principal | 4' | |
9. | Flageolet | 2' | |
10. | Corno-di-Bassetto | 8' | |
11. | Cor Anglais | 8' | |
II. Great (Tracker-pneumatic CC-A 58) |
12. | Double Diapason | 16' | |
13. | Open Diapason | 8' | |
14. | Open Diapason | 8' | |
15. | Claribel Flute | 8' | |
16. | Quint | 5 1/3' | |
17. | Flute harmonique | 4' | |
18. | Principal | 4' | |
19. | Octave Quint | 2 2/3' | |
20. | Super Octave | 2' | |
21. | Fourniture | | |
22. | Mixture | | |
23. | Trombone | 16' | |
24. | Tromba | 8' | |
25. | Clarion | 4' | |
i | Solo to Great | | |
ii | Choir to Great | | |
iii | Swell sub-octave to Great | | |
iv | Swell to Great | | |
v | Swell octave to Great | | |
III. Swell (Pneumatic CC-A 58) |
26. | Contra Gamba | 16' | |
27. | Open Diapason | 16' | |
28. | Lieblich Gedact | 8' | |
29. | Salicional | 8' | |
30. | Vox Angelica | 8' | |
31. | Principal | 4' | |
32. | Fifteenth | 2' | |
33. | Echo Cornet | | |
34. | Contra Posaune | 16' | |
35. | Cornopean | 8' | |
36. | Hautboy | 8' | |
37. | Clarion | 4' | |
IV. Solo (Pneumatic CC-A 58) |
38. | Flute Harmonic | 8' | |
39. | Concert Flute | 4' | |
40. | Corno-di-Bassetto | 8' | |
41. | Oboe | 8' | |
42. | Tuba Major | 8' | |
43. | Clarion | 4' | |
Pedal (Pneumatic CC-F 30) |
44. | Double Open Diapason | 32' | wood. |
45. | Open Diapason | 16' | wood. |
46. | Violone | 16' | metal. |
47. | Violoncello | 8' | metal. |
48. | Octave | 8' | metal. |
49. | Mixture | | metal. |
50. | Contra Posaune | 32' | |
51. | Grand Bombard | 16' | |
52. | Clarion | 8' | |
vi | Swell to Pedal | | |
vii | Great to Pedal | | |
viii | Choir to Pedal | | |
ix | Solo to Pedal | | |
Accessories |
| Ventil Pedale | | |
| Four patent Pneumatic Combination Pistons for acting upon the different stops are applied to each Ma | | |
| Four Pneumatic Combination Pedals for Pedal organ acting also on the pistons of the Great organ. | | |
| A double acting Pedal for Great to Pedal Coupler. | | |
| A Pedal for Swell to Great Unison Coupler. | | |
Manuals | Stops | Ranks | Couplers | Action |
5 | 75 | 75 | 14 | P/TP/EP |
I. Choir (Pneumatic CC-c4 61) |
1. | Contra Gamba | 16' | metal. Smith, 1695 & Willis, 1899 |
2. | Open Diapason | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
3. | Violoncello | 8' | metal. Smith, 1695 & Willis, 1899 |
4. | Dulciana | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
5. | Lieblich Gedact | 8' | metal & wood. Willis, 1872 |
6. | Claribel Flute | 8' | wood. Willis, 1872 |
7. | Principal | 4' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
8. | Flute harmonique | 4' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
9. | Flageolet | 2' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
10. | Corno-di-Bassetto | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
11. | Cor Anglais | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
i | Swell to Choir | | |
II. Great (Tracker-pneumatic CC-c4 61) |
12. | Double Diapason | 16' | metal. Smith, 1695 |
13. | Open Diapason I | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
14. | Open Diapason II | 8' | metal. Smith, 1695 |
15. | Open Diapason III | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
16. | Open Diapason IV | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
17. | Open Diapason V | 8' | wood. Willis, 1899 |
18. | Quint | 5 1/3' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
19. | Flute harmonique | 4' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
20. | Principal | 4' | metal. Smith, 1695 & Willis, 1872 |
21. | Octave Quint | 2 2/3' | metal. Smith, 1695 & Willis, 1872 |
22. | Fifteenth | 2' | metal. Smith, 1695 & Willis, 1872 |
23. | Fourniture | III | metal. Willis, 1872 |
24. | Mixture | III | metal. Willis, 1872 |
25. | Trombone | 16' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
26. | Tromba | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
27. | Clarion | 4' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
ii | Solo to Great | | |
iii | Choir to Great | | |
iv | Swell to Great Sub-Octave | | |
v | Swell to Great Unison | | |
vi | Swell to Great Super-Octave | | |
vii | Done Tubas to Great | | |
viii | Chancel Tubas to Great | | |
III. Swell (Pneumatic CC-c4 61) |
28. | Contra Gamba | 16' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
29. | Open Diapason | 16' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
30. | Salicional | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
31. | Lieblich Gedact | 8' | wood & metal. Willis, 1872 |
32. | Vox Angelica | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
33. | Principal | 4' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
34. | Fifteenth | 2' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
35. | Echo Cornet | III | metal. Willis, 1872 |
36. | Contra Posaune | 16' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
37. | Cornopean | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
38. | Hautboy | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
39. | Clarion | 4' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
ix | Solo to Swell | | |
IV. Solo ( CC-c4 61) |
Solo (Unenclosed) (Pneumatic) |
40. | Flûte Harmonique | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
Solo (Enclosed) (Pneumatic) |
41. | Open Diapason | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
42. | Gamba | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
43. | Flûte Harmonique | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
44. | Concert Flûte Harmonique | 4' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
45. | Piccolo | 2' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
46. | Contra Faggoto | 16' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
47. | Corno-di-Bassetto | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
48. | Cor Anglais | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
49. | Orchestral Oboe | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
50. | Cornopean | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
51. | Trumpet | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
Altar (Pneumatic) |
52. | Contra Gamba | 16' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
53. | Gamba | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
54. | Vox Angelica | III | metal. Willis, 1899 |
55. | Voc Humana | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
56. | Tremulant | | |
V. Tuba ( CC-c4 61) |
Dome (Electro-pneumatic) |
57. | Double Tuba | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
58. | Tuba | 8' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
59. | Clarion | 4' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
Chancel (Electro-pneumatic) |
60. | Tuba Major | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
61. | Clarion | 4' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
Pedal ( CC-G 32) |
Dome (Electro-pneumatic) |
62. | Double Open Diapason | 32' | wood. Willis, 1872 |
63. | Open Diapason | 16' | wood. Willis, 1899 |
64. | Open Diapason | 16' | wood. Bishop, 1826 and 1849 |
65. | Violone | 16' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
66. | Violoncello | 8' | metal. Willis, 1872 |
67. | Octave | 8' | metal. Smith? |
68. | Mixture | | metal. Willis, 1872 |
69. | Contra Posaune | 32' | Willis, 1872 |
70. | Bombarddon | 16' | Willis, 1872 |
71. | Clarion | 8' | Willis, 1872 |
Choir (Pneumatic) |
72. | Violone | 16' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
73. | Bourdon | 16' | wood. Willis, 1899 |
74. | Open Diapason | 16' | wood. Willis, 1899 |
75. | Octave | 8' | wood. Willis, 1899 |
76. | Ophicleide | 16' | metal. Willis, 1899 |
x | Swell to Pedal | | |
xi | Great to Pedal | | |
xii | Choir to Pedal | | |
xiii | Solo to Pedal | | |
xiv | Tuba to Pedal | | |